Product info

Bouquet with Freesias


Indulge your senses with the exquisite fragrance of our Bouquet with Freesias. Featuring fragrant freesias complemented by a variety of seasonal blooms, this arrangement is a feast for the senses.


Enjoy the intoxicating aroma of freesias as it fills your home with its sweet and delicate fragrance, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere.

Color options

Choose from an array of color combinations to suit your taste and preferences, from soft pastels to vibrant hues.

Care instructions

Upon receipt, trim the stems of your Freesia Bouquet at an angle and remove any foliage that may be submerged in water.

29 April 2024
$22.99 per bunch
$19.99 per bouquet

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+01 234 567 789

2438 East Ave

Chicago, IL 60402


We are driven by our passion for flowers. With years of experience in the floral industry, we have cultivated a deep appreciation for the beauty and significance of each bloom. From delicate roses to vibrant lilies, we believe that flowers have the power to convey emotions, tell stories, and brighten any occasion.



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